Frequently Asked Questions
If there is anything we didn't cover here please get in touch by emailing us or ringing us directly: +43 677 62021186 (Austrian prefix).
Uella is an Italian female name meaning ''good business judgment'' & ''a sense of responsibility for others’ welfare''. The name's letters also consist of our founder's first name (Melita) and her daughter's name (Ulla). The legacy that the next generation's daughters inherit is a direct result of the impact women make TODAY.
As a woman entrepreneur, you can book your FREE 60-minute consultation with our founder Melita through our reservation system published on our Home Page.
At the moment, we don’t have an enrollment for our programs or a members club for that matter since we've just started out. All we can say right now is that we are planning to introduce a membership of sorts in 2022. If you'd like us to keep you posted on this matter, sign up for our newsletter and you'll be the first to know more about it.
At the moment, donations cannot be made through this website. If you would like to donate or discuss your needs, please contact us at:
Thank you for your interest! First of all, we'd like to know what it is that you'd like to do to help us out. We always need some extra volunteer help. We can also partner up if you're a media representative or work in tech. Maybe you'd just like to promote our cause in your local area. Let us know what you have in mind and we're sure you can help us achieve as much for women entrepreneurs as humanly possible!
At the moment, everything is done online. When travelling is permitted and safe again, we'll be the first to jump out of the four-walled box and meet you in person! That's a promise!